Officer and Chaplain Memorials
ICPC honors officers who have died in the line of duty and chaplains and their spouses who have died within the past two years.

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Chaplain and Spouse Memorials
Remembering Fallen Officers
The Badge
Standing there in his dress blues he vows to give his best.
Can he know the gravity of the badge now on his chest?
Visions in his mind, he’s going to change the world.
He’s sure to find, like us once blind, to the violence unfurled.
He took the call and gave his all there’s so little time to rest
Not withstanding so demanding, this badge upon his chest.
Now things he sees is fitful dreams that somehow should not be,
All the things he happened on that he cannot un-see.
Now there’s prayers he prays at night, and fears that he confessed
Now he knows it grows and grows the weight that’s on his chest.
Somewhere on a lonely street a single shot rings out.
Lying there in his dress blues he gave the world his best.
Succumbing to the weight of it they lay his soul to rest.