Procedures for Exhibitors
Providers of goods and services are encouraged to share information about the goods and services they offer (generally in the form of table displays) at ICPC events as a way to highlight resources that may be of value to those serving in law enforcement chaplaincy.
Exhibitors are encouraged to have representatives at the conference and exhibition area to maximize the effectiveness of their event presence.

Designated Exhibit Space
At the Annual Training Seminar, ICPC assigns exhibit space which includes one 6’ skirted table that is available daily, Monday through Thursday from 7am to 6pm and Friday from 7am to 1pm. Requests for designated space are given careful consideration, based on classification and availability. Executive exhibits have higher priority.
At Regional Training Seminars, ICPC assigns exhibit space which includes one 6’ skirted table that is available during the event. Requests for designated space are given careful consideration, based on classification and availability.
- Conference ID Badges are required and must be worn by all, including exhibitor and their representatives, for access to ICPC functions, including general sessions, receptions, meals, and the hospitality room.
- Exhibitor provides appropriately sized signage for exhibit space and may provide organizations electronic information for electronic inclusion in attendees packets.
- Exhibit space is designed for single organization occupancy only. Exhibitors shall not permit an unregistered organization (or representatives) use of their assigned space; nor shall registered organizations display articles/materials not pertaining to their exhibits.
- Canvassing or distribution of material outside the exhibition space is not permitted.
- Exhibit materials may be shipped to the Conference Hotel, Attn: ICPC Conference Director. Suggested delivery no later than Friday before the event. Hotel doc fee may apply.
Right of Refusal
ICPC reserves the right to refuse exhibit space at any ICPC training event.