News and Views


ICPC and its members are active in their communities and around the world supporting law enforcement officers as well as promoting the issues that are important to agencies and their chaplains.

Explore the information shown here to read encouraging words from the ICPC President, learn more about best practices in chaplaincy, read news about ICPC and its members, learn about issues and perspectives in chaplaincy, and read memorials to officers and chaplains.

The current ICPC President shares a message of encouragement with ICPC members, which we share here.
ICPC shares information and position statements on what we've found to be the best practices in law enforcement chaplaincy.
ICPC members write about current issues in chaplaincy and share their perspectives on serving as law enforcement chaplains.

ICPC chaplains are actively supporting law enforcement officers and supporting public projects in their communities.

ICPC is active in promoting chaplaincy worldwide, publicly encouraging officers, and supporting the work of chaplains. 

ICPC honors officers who have died in the line of duty and chaplains and their spouses who have died after serving officers.